Skyrims Dovahbear should be ready for the world to see within a week or two. The movie has been completed, I'm waiting for some Youtube "stuff" to get finalized and I will give it to the internet world. I would like to thank all 5 of you who have been following the progress of this production.
I would like everyone to lower their expectations to a minimum, so when you watch Dovahbear, it will look better than it really is.
I will be posting it on:
YouTube and Newgrounds
You can also stay up to date on all the crap coming out of my cintique by following me on:
Twitter and
Google Plus
Jesus Fuck that's a lot of self promotion, I feel like such a whore.
oh yeah, lets not forget FACEBOOK
No Facebook link? You mean the only thing I have an account on? Oh well, guess you're forcing my hand in checking NG Front Page every day.
Good point, I created a Facebook page just now. It is all because of you, please "like" it, and take pride in that you motivated me to make a facebook page.