Hello Newgrounds, it's been awhile. For anyone who has the mildest interest in my activities, here's an **UPDATE**
I haven't posted anything since spring, and while I'd like to say it's because I've been working on my next big animation, the truth is sadly I have not.
I've spent this entire summer putting together 12 30-60min videos teaching animation physics. These video are part of a course that will be taught at http://www.cgtarian.com. If you want to learn CG animation check it out. I was thinking of doing a similar video for flash animation that would be free. If anyone is interested in that, let me know.
Most of my days are being spent animating on this movie http://www.imdb.com/title/tt1646971/?ref_=nv_sr_1 which is turning out to be an amazing film!
Now that my free time is no longer being spent making educational videos, I've started working on my next cartoon which I will be posting on Newgrounds and Youtube as usual. I'm not going to say what its about because I don't want to create any expectations.
That's whats new with me, I leave you with this drawing of a burnt out Jesse Pinkman, and a Japanese Walter White.