Life is a big shit sandwich and we all have to take a bite. Time to get to work!

Age 44, Male



Joined on 9/23/01

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Bowz's News

Posted by Bowz - December 1st, 2013

Hello Newgrounds, it's been awhile. For anyone who has the mildest interest in my activities, here's an **UPDATE**
I haven't posted anything since spring, and while I'd like to say it's because I've been working on my next big animation, the truth is sadly I have not.

I've spent this entire summer putting together 12 30-60min videos teaching animation physics. These video are part of a course that will be taught at http://www.cgtarian.com. If you want to learn CG animation check it out. I was thinking of doing a similar video for flash animation that would be free. If anyone is interested in that, let me know.

Most of my days are being spent animating on this movie http://www.imdb.com/title/tt1646971/?ref_=nv_sr_1 which is turning out to be an amazing film!

Now that my free time is no longer being spent making educational videos, I've started working on my next cartoon which I will be posting on Newgrounds and Youtube as usual. I'm not going to say what its about because I don't want to create any expectations.

That's whats new with me, I leave you with this drawing of a burnt out Jesse Pinkman, and a Japanese Walter White.


A Bowz update!

Posted by Bowz - April 7th, 2013

After 4 months, working nights and weekends, I finally finished the next Dovahbear video. It's been almost a year since I submitted the last one, I don't know if anyone plays Skyrim anymore (I do) but the video is more about this silly bear than it is about making a parody of a video game. There are still plenty of references for those who enjoy the game.

Hope everyone likes it, I'm going to take a breather.



Dovahbear 3 is here

Posted by Bowz - March 25th, 2013

What's up dudes. It's been awhile since I've made a contribution to Newgrounds. I've been working furiously on the next Dovahbear episode, which is about 85-90% finished. The cleanup process has been tedious and mind numbing, so to break things up a bit I made a few T-shirt designs and opened a Spreadshirt account.


Before making this public I ordered several t-shirt brands to find the best. American Apparel was the most well fitting and comfortable. So if by chance you've been wanting a Dovahbear t-shirt, now you can have one!

Dovahbear 3 coming soon!


Dovahbear T-shirts

Posted by Bowz - October 29th, 2012

I've finished my latest cartoon, it's a parody on Space Quest. If you're familiar with the series it will be more enjoyable, (so get familiar!) I made it in the style of Space Quest 3, which had EGA graphics (16 colors).


My next animation is going to be... more DOVAHBEAR!

Space Quest Animation is up!

Posted by Bowz - July 6th, 2012

I made a new cartoon, it's an alternate take on the Box Cutter episode in Season 4 of Breaking Bad.
If you haven't seen the show it make less sense, and it's a bit of a spoiler.
Making this video made me feel unclean. I'm going to scrub my body with dry bleach.


Breaking Bad - Hellraiser

Posted by Bowz - June 14th, 2012

I was among the many disappointed with Mass Effect 3's ending. When I heard they were making an "extension" to the ending I started making this video.


New Animation about Mass Effect 3

Posted by Bowz - May 26th, 2012

Check it out! The sequel to Skyrim : Bear, and probably my last Skyrim parody (for a good while)
I probably spent too much time on this one, I hope everyone enjoys it. If you hate it, leave me a nasty comment or something.

Dovahbear is here!!

Posted by Bowz - April 22nd, 2012

Skyrims Dovahbear should be ready for the world to see within a week or two. The movie has been completed, I'm waiting for some Youtube "stuff" to get finalized and I will give it to the internet world. I would like to thank all 5 of you who have been following the progress of this production.

I would like everyone to lower their expectations to a minimum, so when you watch Dovahbear, it will look better than it really is.

I will be posting it on:
YouTube and Newgrounds
You can also stay up to date on all the crap coming out of my cintique by following me on:
Twitter and
Google Plus
Jesus Fuck that's a lot of self promotion, I feel like such a whore.

oh yeah, lets not forget FACEBOOK

Skyrim : Dovahbear, is almost ready...

Posted by Bowz - January 18th, 2012

Working on a continuation of Skyrim : Bear, calling it DovahBear!!
Indeed it is another Skyrim parody, and while some may tire of these, I assure you this will be more about Bears than ATTK (arrows to the knee)



Posted by Bowz - December 27th, 2011

I animated a video illustrating how I deal with Bears in Skyrim, 50% of the effort is left to gravity.
Skyrim : Bear
I also put it up on YouTube

Dealing with Bears in Skyrim